
The NEW 2015/2016 school year

The NEW 2015/2016 school year

The word NEW is consciously written all in capital letters, because this year our class is truly new – primarily because our classroom underwent a complete renovation during the summer break. What a big surprise for all of us in September! The renovation was done in a “maritime style,” so now the classroom’s dominant feature is a steel-blue tactile wall symbolizing the surface of the sea. And there’s a whale swimming on it! The round yellow carpet shines like the sun, and the white boards and large net make us feel like we’re in a harbor. Beautiful… Come on and have a peek at this wondrous scene. You are all welcome!

The atmosphere in the new room also inspired our project for the school year, which we are calling “Full steam ahead, or: The treasure of the Czech waters…” We are looking forward to many new experiences together!

But that isn’t all. Our “fishing party” has been joined by a NEW preschooler, Robin. We all wish him an big school-time catch, and may the sun shine and all his school journeys be filled with adventure.


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